Friday, November 18, 2022

How Does A Pool Vacuum Work? The Extensive 2022 Guide

Outdoor pools have become a Summer staple — and so has pool cleaning. Fortunately, technology has advanced to the point that you no longer have to clean your pool manually. Instead, a dizzying array of automatic pool cleaners can do it all for you. Pool vacuums can help you maintain your pool in top condition all season.

So how does a pool vacuum work? If you’re looking for a cleaning option for your pool, you should be familiar with the many types of pool vacuum cleaners. In this article, we’ll look at the four main options available on the market: robots, pressure-side cleaners, suction-side cleaners, and manual cleaners.

We’ll go through exactly how they work to help you decide which one is best for you.

Why Vacuum Your Pool?

You may wonder why you should bother vacuuming your pool, especially if you’ve already added chlorine or other sanitizing chemicals to the water. This is a good question, and we have the exact answer to it. Bromine, chlorine, and other chemicals keep your water clean, and they do, to some extent, help keep your pool’s floor and walls clean as well.

Chemicals, however, cannot permanently keep your pool’s floor and walls clean, or prevent bugs or leaves from getting into the water. Besides adding chlorine or other chemicals to maintain your pool, regular and thorough pool cleaning is also essential.

A vacuum collects debris and dirt from the pool’s bottom. The filtration system in your pool works hard to eliminate as many of these unwanted things as possible, but routine vacuuming of the floor and walls actually makes the filter work better. You should skim the surface of your pool regularly to remove any leaves or unwanted objects.

How Does A Pool Vacuum Work?

Pool Vacuum Cleaner

A pool filter keeps your water nice and clear but cannot eliminate debris on the pool bottom or stuck to the walls. This is when pool cleaners, often known as vacuums, come into action.

Pool vacuums use suction or pressure to push and draw the debris. Some use a bag to collect everything from the pool’s bottom, while others use the pump basket, skimmer basket, and filter to remove the waste. These vacuums are classified into four types.

Let’s look into each type and how they work. First up, handheld pool vacuum.

Handheld Pool Vacuum

Handheld pool vacuums work similarly to regular floor vacuums. And as the name suggests, they’re a handheld device that you manually move about the pool to vacuum dirt off the surface. Some handheld pool cleaners contain debris canisters, which connect to your pool’s pump through a hose.

This tool can be used to vacuum the bottom of your pool similarly to your home’s floor, assuming your household vacuum cleaner is around 10 feet long. There are plug-in and battery-operated models available.

A handheld vacuum cleaner has no mechanical parts and is an affordable way to enhance your pool’s filtration system. They are ideal for above-ground installations and small pools.

Suction Pool Vacuum

A suction pool cleaner is a simple tool that works with your pool’s existing filtration system to keep things clean. It operates by attaching directly to your skimmer or a separate suction line that draws water into the pump. The cleaner then goes around the pool, collecting debris and dirt and moving them to the pool filter and pump filter basket.

They come with a wheel deflector that makes it easier for the suction-side pool cleaner to move around the pool, including through tight spaces. Suction pool vacuums are available with two or four wheels, and generally consume more electricity than standalone robots, since they use the pump and filter from your swimming pool. However, they’ll be far less expensive overall.

Suction-side cleaners work best for cleaning medium-sized debris, such as insects and tiny leaves. Most of these vacuums are also effective in sucking up the extremely fine particles that make the water cloudy.

Pressure Pool Vacuum

These vacuums, frequently called pressure-side cleaners, are connected to the pool’s return jet via the supplied hose. Pressure pool cleaners use the water pressure generated by the pool filtration system to move and create suction.

The pressure-side cleaner works by creating a water vortex, dividing the water rushing into it into three streams. The first stream drives the thruster, which moves the device around the bottom of the pool.

The second stream sends water to the venturi, which generates a vacuum that sucks leaves and debris into the bag on top of the device. The third stream is routed to a sweeper tail on the back of the unit. The sweeper tail helps remove fine debris from the pool’s walls and bottom and deposits it in the filter bag.

Pressure-side pool cleaners contain wheels, a sweep hose, a filter bag, and a return-jet hose. They work incredibly well at removing large and medium. Because they lack sensors, pressure-side pool cleaners may become stuck at times. Luckily, they feature built-in backup valves that generate a short burst of force to propel the cleaner to a new place.

Robotic Pool Vacuum

Robotic vacuums are the most energy-efficient and effective choice. However, they’re more expensive compared to other options. Robotic vacuums are devices that plug into an electrical outlet rather than being connected to your current filtration system. They can have advanced software that enables them to map your pool and guarantee that the entire surface is cleaned.

Robotic pool cleaners can go through the corners and stairways of the pool with wheels or tracks. Depending on your model, some cleaners contain pumps that work as propellers and water filters.

Robotic cleaners also have in-built sensors that can identify the pool’s steps, bends, and water level. Some models provide interesting extras like remote controls for spot cleaning and four-wheel drive movement.

Benefits of Pool Vacuums

Pool Vacuum


Here are some of the benefits of using automatic or robotic pool cleaners:

More Effective Cleaning

No matter the material, they can remove any particles, including twigs, leaves, algae, etc. Most automatic cleaners are good at cleaning debris regardless of the particles’ size or amount. Additionally, they can efficiently clean the various crevices in your pool’s walls, steps, or floor. This can also limit the debris buildup that might affect your pool’s structural integrity.


Automatic cleaners can clean the walls of your pool to make them cleaner and more hygienic. They’re simple to install, and some more advanced types also allow chemical pool treatment.

Cleaning automatic pool cleaners is also a simple task. When the filter bag is full, empty it and reattach it afterward. An additional advantage of automatic pool cleaners is that they can be conveniently taken out and emptied whenever you wish.

No Ongoing Expenses

Most mechanical pool cleaners require no other expenditures aside from the cost of running them regularly. Depending on what you pay for pool cleaning, purchasing an automatic pool cleaner might save you hundreds of dollars annually. Getting a high-quality pool cleaner is essential to ensure the device will last a long time.

They Run On Your Schedule

Many pool owners still hire a pool-cleaning company to keep their pools in good condition. These businesses work according to a predetermined schedule. If you’re arranging a pool party that clashes with your pool-cleaning schedule, you’ll have to reschedule. However, with your pool vacuum, you can run it on your schedule. Your cleaning device is in your control.


How long do pool cleaners last?

A pool vacuum’s longevity depends on many factors, including how you maintain and store it. The typical pool vacuum cleaner can last five years, or even longer if you regularly don’t have any trouble removing the little pieces. These parts include the cleaning disk, head, foot, and other components.

What size pool cleaner should I get?

Almost all pool cleaner sizes will work in an average-sized in-ground pool that is 32 to 36 feet long. For both robotic and non-robotic cleaners, you should have a cable or vacuum hose that is longer than the length of your pool for easy movement. To make moving it more manageable, opt for an ergonomic design.

How often should you clean your pool?

Use your pool cleaner as frequently as required. You may need to run it daily if you regularly swim in your pool. If you don’t often swim, once a week or every two weeks should be enough. If you cover your pool most of the time, you only need to run it once a month.


How does a pool vacuum work? To summarize, most robotic cleaners use electrical motors. On the other hand, suction-side and pressure-side cleaners depend on a functional pool pump.

Now that you know what you need to keep your pool and its surroundings clean, you can stock up on the necessary tools and chemicals to keep your pool in perfect shape.

Happy swimming!

The post How Does A Pool Vacuum Work? The Extensive 2022 Guide appeared first on All Great Vacuums.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

How to Vacuum Under Beds – 5 Simple Hacks

Does your regular cleaning routine not include the hidden spots like under the couch or bed? You’re not alone.

For so many of us, only when the festive season or our annual cleaning routine hits do we realize that there’s more to a clean home than just scrubbing off the visible spots. Sure, the hidden spots will not hamper the aesthetics of your home, but what about your health?

We understand that reaching these hidden spots is difficult. That’s why we have created this simple guide to help new homeowners vacuum under their beds with ease. How to vacuum under beds? Read on to find out.

Why Do You Need to Vacuum Under the Bed?

Before we get to the process of vacuuming under the bed, let’s first understand why you should even care about cleaning those out-of-sight spots.

As mentioned before, any unattended spot in your house that collects dust throughout the year is a breeding ground for many unwanted insects, as well as bacteria that compromise the hygiene of your home.

In addition to that, sleeping right over these spots leads you to breathe in unsanitary air laden with dust all night long, paving the way for even more severe health problems. Imagine someone with asthma or dust allergy in your home. Their life could be made so much easier with a simple cleanup routine.

Plus, dust is not only linked to respiratory diseases, but it also has detrimental effects on your hair and skin. Are you worried that regardless of what you do, your acne or dandruff just won’t go away? Maybe the problem lies under your bed. Just as you breathe in the dust-laden air at night, it also settles on your skin and scalp, triggering several issues.

Another reason to keep the space under your bed squeaky clean is so you can use it as a storage area when required. Think about it for a second — you might have tons of old clothes, books, or boxes in hand that take up all the good space in your cabinets. Sometimes you might even have to stash it on top of cupboards and cabinets, ruining the whole look of your home.

All these problems have one simple solution — clean the area under your bed and store all your junk under it, away from sight yet safely stored.

How to Vacuum Under Beds? 5 Simple Hacks

Man Vacuuming under bed

Despite its powerful suction, vacuuming under beds can be tedious — not to mention tough for those with sore backs — at times, but it’s certainly not an impossible task. If you need a little help to get started, here is a quick guide:

Remove the Boxes Underneath Before Getting Started

If you want to get the job done as soon as possible, you might not care about removing all the boxes or items stored under your bed before you begin vacuuming. After all, why bother cleaning surfaces that will remain hidden under boxes, right?

However, when you don’t clear out the space under your bed, it hinders the cleaning process and brings down the overall efficiency. Also, leaving out boxes while cleaning or keeping them in the exact same spots will make the floors discolor over time.

If you genuinely want to get the work done faster and without permanent discoloration, make sure you clear out the space under your bed the next time you start vacuuming.

Pick the Right Vacuum Attachments

If you are having trouble reaching the inner corners of your bed, vacuum cleaner attachments are a great solution. They are basically an extension on top of the original vacuum nozzle to give you a wider reach.

The best part is that these attachments are available in a number of sizes and designs. You can pick whichever one works best for your bed.

Find the Right Angle

Surely, you know that in order for the vacuum to suck in layers of dust, the head has to be directly over it. This becomes a challenge when you are cleaning under beds.

First of all, you will have to squat as low as you can before pushing in the vacuum nozzle. If that seems to be too harsh on your knees, you can also try laying flat on your stomach as you maneuver the vacuum. Since, at this position, your hands won’t be able to handle a heavier load, you can use a handheld cordless vacuum and work on all the sides one by one.

That’s why it’s best to avoid low-rise beds if you plan on cleaning the space underneath every now and then. You can also try removing the bed to get the right angle with the vacuum. But again. If that seems like too much work, you can check out our alternatives for vacuuming below.

Pay Attention to the Webs

Cleaning under beds is not just about the thick layers of dust. Such hidden spaces are also home to many pests and bugs like spiders who leave behind endless chains of webs. Unlike dust, spider webs are a little hard to remove. The nozzle has to be really close to the web, and you might have to go over it a couple of times.

To make it easier, we suggest you locate the spider webs first and target them with a handheld vacuum individually. If you cannot reach it with your regular vacuum, you can also use a long-handle duster to pull out the webs.

Either way, it’s important to understand that spider webs need one-on-one attention. If you try to get them all out at once, you will only lose patience and waste time.

Invest in a Robot Vacuum

It must be clear by now that cleaning under your bed with a regular vacuum is tiring and complicated. If you are not ready to commit to this hassle, get a robot vacuum. These work best for low-rise beds that do not leave enough space for you to shove in your regular vacuum.

Also, since they work on their own, going back and forth, you don’t have to worry about the angle, attachments, or squatting to reach the problematic areas; it will take care of everything by itself.

How Often Should You Vacuum Your Bed

Robot Vacuum Cleaner Runs under Bed

Even though cleaning under your bed is much easier with our tips, it’ll probably never be your favorite thing on your schedule, and understandably so. So even if you are trying to do the bare minimum, you still need to vacuum under your bed at least once a week. Plus, your vacuum won’t take up much power for a task as quick as this.

The frequency of vacuuming under the bed also depends on the type of flooring you have, pets and kids, and how dusty your home gets in general. But sticking to the once-a-week schedule will ensure the process is easier and quicker. Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot more time and money on deep cleaning every few months.

Vacuum Cleaner Alternatives to Clean Under Your Bed

While it’s true that vacuum cleaners make cleaning super fast and convenient, it’s not the best option to clean under your bed, especially if you have a low bed frame. So here are a few other alternatives that might come in handy.


Unlike vacuum cleaners that need to be positioned at a certain angle to work, mops work from every angle. All you have to do is shove it under your bed and wipe it across the floor. Mops can be used alone or as an additional step after you get done with basic vacuuming. Either way, they are much easier to handle than a vacuum cleaner.

NOTE: Do not use a wet mop right at the beginning. When the moisture comes in contact with layers of thick dust, it will create a muddy mixture on the floor, which would be harder to remove. You can also try green carpet cleaning solutions to help clean stubborn areas.


If you want the same effects of a vacuum cleaner without the huge and unmanageable attachments, try a hair dryer. They are small and easy to handle and can easily get under your bed no matter how low the bed frame is.

The only difference between a vacuum cleaner and a hairdryer is that instead of sucking the dust in, it will blow it away. You will need to use a mop after that to clean it up properly.

Duct Tape on Long-Handle Broomstick or Mop

When you push a long-handle mop under the bed, you might notice the handle move around the dust without really cleaning it. To make the process a little more efficient, you can wrap duct tape all around the broomstick handle so the next time you shove it in, the handle along with the head will work together to clean up the mess.

It’s like a long DIY roller. Depending on how messy it is, you might need to change the duct tape a few times.


Even if some parts of your flooring aren’t visible, it’s important to move items to assure a clean house. We’re sure you don’t want your health or allergies to flare up simply because you couldn’t make time for regular vacuuming.

Also, you never know when you when the furniture is moved you might want to redesign your home’s look. Without proper cleaning hacks and the know-how of how to vacuum under beds, the discolored floors will make it impossible for you to experiment with the setup.

The post How to Vacuum Under Beds – 5 Simple Hacks appeared first on All Great Vacuums.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

How to Vacuum Shaggy Rug

Shag rugs are back in style and much more magnificent than their 1970s counterparts. Shag rugs provide a designer edge while also being warm and comforting underfoot — a decoration win-win. Keep in mind that shag rugs and carpets need more upkeep than flatter, thinner rugs due to their long, plushy texture.

Compared to flat weaves, long fibers attract more dust and debris. Fortunately, you can clean shag rugs easily — a little extra time is all that they demand.

For this article, we’ve gathered some of our favorite sheepskin and shaggy rug cleaning solutions to keep your fluffy decor addition looking its best. By the end, you should no longer wonder how to vacuum shaggy rug.

Is It Hard To Clean a Shag Rug?

Shag rugs require slightly more maintenance than normal rugs. That being said, after establishing a proper cleaning schedule, you’ll eventually discover that cleaning a thick shag rug is actually pretty simple.

What makes cleaning a shag rug tricky is its high pile. The deep holes between the threads make it nearly impossible to reach dust and dirt with a basic dusting brush or cloth. Large shag carpets can also be rather heavy, which makes cleaning them even more challenging.

If your shag rug is only used occasionally, you can get away with vacuuming it once a month. The majority of shag rugs require weekly vacuuming.

However, a shag rug that gets a lot of use from kids and pets may require daily vacuuming. You should schedule a deep cleaning for your rug once or twice a year.

How to Vacuum Shaggy Rug

Vacuum cleaner on shaggy carpet


Here are five simple steps to quickly and safely vacuum your shag rug without harming the material or damaging your vacuum.

1. Loosen the Dirt

To vacuum your shag rug, begin with a traditional rug-cleaning technique. Take the rug outdoors and thoroughly shake it to remove the dirt and dust while holding it gently by two corners. If your shaggy rug is too big to shake properly, hang it from a clothesline or fence.

Then beat the rug with a stick or broom handle and leave it in the sunlight. This will blow away debris and dust and allow your rug to air out. Expose your rug to sunlight for a short time, as this helps eliminate bacteria and mites. Be careful not to overdo it.

2. Adjust the Settings

Adjust your vacuum head for a high pile. A shag rug requires extra space between the vacuum and the rug. Remove the vacuum beater bar or powerhead as well. The whirling motion will rip or pull at the shag, causing damage.

3. Empty the Canister

Ensure that the canister or bag is empty and ready to use. If not, your vacuum won’t work properly since the debris inside will hinder the suction power. Additionally, this could damage the motor by overheating it.

4. Flip Your Rug

Turn the rug over so the shag is on the ground. Flip the rug face down on a firm surface to expose the backside. Never use a regular powerhead vacuum on the shag area of the rug since it can harm the rug’s fibers.

Plan to vacuum your rug before cleaning the floor beneath it so that any particles it picks up will land on the surface that will be cleaned later.

5. Vacuum the Underside

Vacuum the rug from underneath — vacuum in straight lines over the breadth of the carpeting. The vacuum’s suction technology will pull a large amount of dirt, while the beater bar will strike more debris loose onto the floor.

Now, flip the shag rug and then vacuum the floor. You will notice dirt, soil, and dust on the bottom since you beat it out while cleaning the part underneath.

6. Vacuum the Top

Flip the rug so that the top is once more on top. Here, you have to remove the beater bar. If you don’t have a vacuum cleaner that allows you to do this, utilize the extension brush. Sure, an extension will make it more difficult, but it’ll protect the rug’s fibers.

The next thing is the distance you can maintain from the rug and the vacuum to still clean it. Since most vacuums include a height adjustment feature, you should preferably keep it as high as you can. Of course, having a carpet-specific vacuum helps.

Do’s and Don’ts

Since long pile rugs are more fragile than short piles, many people hesitate to use a vacuum cleaner on shaggy rugs. This is quite right if they’re made of soft fibers, but you can vacuum a shag rug as long as you follow these standards:

  • Use upholstery attachments only.
  • Set the suction power to medium or low.
  • Avoid using a beater bar or powerhead on shag rugs.
  • Before vacuuming with an upright vacuum, switch it to “high pile.”

Ways To Clean Spills

You must clean any spills, stains, or other dirt immediately. The longer the liquid or debris remains on the fibers, the more difficult it’ll be to remove later. Fortunately, you can quickly spot, clean, and locate the proper cleaning products in a timely manner.

Using Vinegar

Combine equal parts warm water and white vinegar and apply a small amount to the affected area. Use a microfiber cloth to rub the mixture into the rug’s fibers, and then let the entire thing air dry in a well-ventilated space. To reduce the odor, dab some lemon juice on before drying.

Using Dishwasher

Combine dishwashing liquid and warm water, and rub into the stain to remove it. To completely remove the stain, gently rub it using a soft brush.

Blot the Stain

If the stain is light, simply blotting it with a mop may work. Blot off as much of the stain as possible with a white cloth or paper towel. Scrub gently, or else you risk rubbing the stain deeper into the fibers.

Deep Cleaning

If your shaggy rugs require more than just basic cleaning, you can also try deep cleaning.

You can do this in a tub or other suitable open area. Never use cold water on a rug. Instead, use warm or lukewarm water. Soak it in a safe detergent or cleaning solution. Brush the stains out or use a cleaning head to clean them thoroughly.

Use Dry Shampoo

Dry shampoos are excellent if you need more than a spot cleaning but don’t want to get as messy as deep cleaning. For this, you’ll need a brush and quality dry shampoo. Shampoo the rug, brush it, and let the shampoo soak in for 15 minutes and vacuum after. Read the label carefully to confirm that the item is suitable for the type of carpet fibers in your home (wool or acrylic).

How to Care for a Shaggy Rug

Floor Rug

Prevention is better than cure, and this is especially true with shaggy rugs. Why allow things to get out of control when you could follow some of these tips on keeping your shaggy rug shining:

Keep Up With Spills

Accidents are inevitable, but by closely monitoring spills, you may extend the life of your shag rugs. To avoid stains, clean up with a mild cleaner as soon as possible. Allow the area to dry naturally.

Vacuum Regularly

Regular vacuuming can help the carpet last longer and will help remove dirt and debris before they become lodged deeply in the carpet. Try not to use beater brushes on rugs.

Heavy Furniture Indentations

Your carpets may develop indentations if they’re put under a table. To help the carpet pile bounce again, you might place cups under the legs of heavy furniture and move the carpet frequently. You can also use steam to revive flattened piles.

Expose the Rug to the Sun

A little sunlight may be all that your rug requires to look new. Allow the rug to rest in the sunlight for no more than a few hours at a time to eliminate odors. Just be careful not to do this too frequently or for too long, as prolonged exposure to sunlight may fade the rug.

Pay Attention to Shedding

You may see shedding if you have a wool or fur rug. Unfortunately, all fur or wool area rugs will ultimately shed, regardless of quality. To that end, frequently vacuuming your rug can speed up the process. You can prevent shedding by vacuuming carefully.

Seek Professional Assistance

The methods suggested above are effective for routine maintenance of your carpet. However, it’s heavily advised that you hire a professional carpet cleaner at least once a year — it’ll help you retain the original condition of your carpet.


We hope this post has provided you with some helpful tips on how to vacuum shaggy rug at home. Vacuuming your shag rug regularly is an excellent way to maintain a fresh space that’s gorgeous and bacteria-free.

With the proper tools, removing any stains or dirt is a breeze, but to avoid damage to the rug, ensure the brushes you use are soft. Keep in mind that your rug still requires expert cleaning every few years.

The post How to Vacuum Shaggy Rug appeared first on All Great Vacuums.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Roborock s7 vs. Roomba i7: Which One Should You Choose?

If you’re hunting for the best robot vacuum, you’ve probably come across the Roborock s7 and the Roomba i7. Both brands have a significant foothold in the robot vacuum market.

Despite having fairly similar looks, theѕe vacuum robot cleaners have certain advantages and disadvantages that set them apart from the competition.

This article will explore the similarities and differences between the Roborock S7 vs the iRobot Roomba i7 to determine the king of modern robot vacuum cleaners.

Roborock S7

roborock S7 Robot Vacuum and Mop, 2500PA Suction & Sonic Mopping, Robotic Vacuum Cleaner with Multi-Level Mapping, Works with Alexa, Mop Floors and Vacuum Carpets in One Clean, Perfect for Pet Hair


The Roborock S7 features all the bells and whistles you could desire in a robot vacuum, including zone cleaning, mopping, and connectivity with smart assistants. It shines at the basics, is extremely intelligent, and kills the competition with its excellent sonic mop. The Roborock S7 performs well on bare floors. It has little trouble removing small, bulky dirt but has trouble pulling debris from cracks and crevices.

Additionally, it is very well-made, maneuvers itself quickly, and depending on your usage and setting preferences, may operate on a single charge for sufficient time to efficiently clean large areas. Its ultrasonic mopping module is extremely good at removing debris and dried-on dirt. Unfortunately, it has high operating expenses and requires a lot of upkeep.


  • Uninterrupted vacuuming and mopping experience
  • Minimal maintenance
  • Better vacuuming and mopping performance
  • Selective room cleaning with voice commands
  • Smart navigation makes it efficient
  • Unique features, including a child safety lock


  • The mopping pad doesn’t lift high enough
  • The rubber brush can still become tangled with hair

Roomba i7

iRobot Roomba i7+ (7550) Robot Vacuum with Automatic Dirt Disposal - Empties Itself for up to 60 days, Wi-Fi Connected, Smart Mapping, Works with Alexa, Ideal for Pet Hair, Carpets, Hard Floors, Black

The iRobot Roomba i7 is the brand’s most famous robot vacuum because it combines tremendous cleaning capabilities and smart mapping. You may use this smart vacuum cleaner manually via a smartphone app, Google Assistant, or Alexa. It can also carry out basic ITTT (if this, then, that) commands. For example, if it notices you have left the house, it can begin cleaning while you are gone.

Although the i7 may have a similar appearance to its predecessors, it delivers a whole new array of enhanced internals, better floor plan capability, and increased pick-up and suction performance. These upgrades are just a few ways the iRobot i7 aims to provide you with a more polished and intelligent robot vacuuming experience. The fact that the Roomba i7 enhances an already remarkable line of robot vacuums is possibly the strongest argument in favor of it. But it’s up to you to decide whether or not these extra features are worth the price.


  • High-quality cleaning performance
  • Easy scheduling and customization
  • Smartphone app available for both iOS and Android
  • Multi-floor mapping
  • Single room cleaning
  • Voice control with Amazon Alexa and Google Home


  • A little larger than its competitors
  • One of the more expensive robot vacuums on the market


Roborock S7 vs. Roomba i7

Modern Vacuum Cleaner on Wooden Flooring

Moving on to the hot topic of this article, how do the Roomba i7 and the Roborock S7 compare? Let’s examine the two robots closely and contrast them side by side. We will evaluate the two robot vacuums based on the key elements you must consider when purchasing one to clean the entire house.


The S7 has a more aesthetic appearance than its predecessors and the Roomba i7. Its exterior is bright white plastic with a Lidar sensor hidden by a raised disc in the center. There are two color options for the S7’s finish: black and white. The Roborock S7 vacuums are 13.9 by 13.8 inches and are only 3.8 inches tall, allowing them to easily reach under most sofas, beds, and other furniture, but only those without valances.

Taken at face value, the Roomba i7 appears to be identical to every single iRobot smart vacuum that’s come before it. On the other hand, this model has been completely rebuilt inside and out. Under the hood, you’ll find more RAM and a faster processor. The Roomba i7 also has a low profile design, measuring 3.63 inches tall and 13.34 inches wide.

The i7 weighs 7.74lbs without the Clean BaseTM Automatic Dirt Disposal device. Regarding color options, the i7 is only offered in black. The rubber rollers of the iRobot Roomba i7 have been improved with finer grooves to pull in the dirt more effectively.

Cleaning Performance

The Roborock S7 is a comprehensive cleanser that operates quickly and effectively. After designing a map, the S7 cleans methodically by defining the perimeter of a room and working in an S-shaped pattern.

It slows down when it senses an obstacle, like most mapping robots. It is appropriate for homes with different floor types, such as tile, marble, linoleum, vinyl, laminate, wooden, etc. Additionally, you can count on this robot vacuum to remove pet hair and other pet remains like kitty litter. The S7 also performs admirably with carpets, whether it’s a modest pile, a large pile, or area rugs.

Now, let’s talk about the i7. This device is known for cleaning very thoroughly. Because of its two brushes, it always maintains contact with the floor, even while navigating bumps. With an edge-sweeping brush to reach any hard-to-reach areas, it can quickly clean rugs, hard floors, and carpets. The three-stage cleaning mode with power suction promises to remove grime, dirt, and 99.9% of pet allergies. The i7 is also great for cleaning up pet messes like kitty litter and other pet hair.

Battery Life and Charging

In terms of battery life, the Roborock S7 is larger and better. First, it has a powerful 5,200 mAh battery that lasts 180 minutes. When it comes to power management, there is a quick charge option that determines the remaining area and calculates the precise amount of charge required to complete the task without having to wait the full 3 hours for a recharge. Additionally, the S7 will dock for recharging and continue cleaning on its own. Since robovacs always return to their charging station for a top-up whenever the power runs low, battery consumption isn’t an issue.

Despite being one of the newest models, the Roomba i7’s runtime isn’t that long. This device has an 1800 mAh lithium-ion battery. However, an average recharge takes two to three hours. The Roomba i7 will automatically dock for recharging and resume cleaning afterward. Also, the i7 uses a single battery for just 1.3 hours of operation. But remember that the S7 requires 5 hours to fully charge, compared to the i7’s 1.5 hours.

Navigation and Mapping

The navigational technology used by the two robot vacuums is also different. The Roborock S7 uses a circular module mounted to the robot’s top to perform laser LiDAR, or Light Detection and Ranges. This is a technology found in self-driving automobiles that enables the accurate planning of efficient routes. To prevent accidents, the robot is equipped with a variety of cliff and obstacle detection sensors and real-time cameras for improved precision. Clean Maps, Customizable Keep Out Zones (border mapping), and customizable maps are additional outstanding features.

The iRobot Roomba i7 uses vSLAM and imprints smart mapping or visual simultaneous localization for navigation. The iRobot Roomba i7 has obstacle detectors and visual imagery sensors, and it uses this technology to construct a detailed map of your house and avoid tripping over obstacles and falling. Automatic Room Recognition, Invisible Walls, No-Go Zones, and No-Mop Zones are additional fantastic features.

Simply put, LiDAR is a more accurate and precise technology that can better respond in real-time and avoid objects like furniture. So, in this battle, the S7 wins.

Wireless Communication and Support

The two robots interact with your home network via wireless communication. Once connected, you can access many more control options than the standard local controls. This is a good thing because the local controls on modern robots are limited.

There is an app for the Roborock S7 and the iRobot Roomba i7 vacuum robots. Different apps are used to address and program the two vacuum robots. iRobot HOME is the software used for the iRobot Roomba i7. The Roomba app is one of the most cutting-edge and user-friendly robot vacuum apps. You can pause, start, and resume cleaning cycles on the app. Additionally, you get access to battery usage information, cleaned areas, and more using voice assistants. You can even create and adjust schedules.

The Roborock S7’s app is referred to as Roborock. With this app, you can pick between Deep Mopping and Standard Mopping. You can also schedule the robot via the app, view the maps it generates, and control it.


The market for robot vacuums is saturated. You have a lot of options when it comes to your next robovac. Roborock s7 vs. Roomba i7 are two of the most popular choices, and both are excellent cleaning partners for your home. It can be challenging to decide between the Roomba i7’s well-known capabilities and reliability and the Roborock S7’s lower price.

The Roborock S7 is a mopping robot that integrates with smart homes and has a remarkable smartphone app despite minor issues. However, if you want excellent suction power functionalities, the iRobot Roomba i7 is the way to go. The auto-emptying feature is helpful since it saves maintenance time, and this device picks up more items than the Roborock S7. Both devices will significantly decrease the time it takes for you to clean and execute their tasks reasonably well. Each has a unique set of advantages and disadvantages, so your decision will rely on your circumstances.

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The post Roborock s7 vs. Roomba i7: Which One Should You Choose? appeared first on All Great Vacuums.

Monday, August 1, 2022

How to Get a Roomba to Clean Whole House

Ah, to be free of home cleaning duties – that would be a dream come true! How about owning a gadget that magically leaves your floors squeaky clean while you don’t have to lift a finger? This is exactly what a Roomba does.

A Roomba is a remotely controlled robotic vacuum that motors around your house and cleans the floors without much hassle. And although nothing beats a deep clean, a Roomba can take the effort out of your regular, everyday tidying.

However, there can be trouble in paradise too. At times, you may find your Roomba skipping a particular room even though they are designed to clean the entire house. Fear not, for there are several actions you can take to resolve this issue.

Make sure you read this article until the end to find out how to get Roomba to clean whole house.

1. Checking the Sensors

Woman Operating Vacuum Cleaner

As a wireless, remotely guided device, the Roomba uses its advanced sensors and inbuilt mapping system to chart a path across the house. This clever little appliance uses infrared signals to detect objects around itself.

Naturally, if these sensors get blocked by dirt or grime, they would malfunction and hinder the appliance from achieving its maximum operating capability.

Simply use a microfiber cloth or a melamine foam to wipe the sensors every so often. This can do wonders to improve your Roomba’s sensitivity and might just help the navigation problem.

2. Taking Out the Trash

Just like any regular vacuum cleaner, your Roomba has a dustbin inside it. And once the dustbin is full, it won’t be able to clean anymore. That’s why you may see your Roomba suddenly stop whirring around even with full batteries.

Some of the latest models come with a bin indicator that tells you when it needs cleaning. But in the case of older models, if you see your Roomba come to a sudden halt before it has completed cleaning your entire house, take it as an indicator that the bin might be full and will need to be emptied.

3. Checking the Charge

Before setting your Roomba loose to clean your home, it’s a good practice to ensure that the appliance is fully charged. If one runs out of charge in the middle of the cleaning process, it will simply die without cleaning any further.

However, this is not applicable for Roomba models that are working with a home base. If the battery starts to run low, these smart vacuums will automatically return to the docking station to get charged. Also, Roombas can be configured to automatically charge at the home base after each cleaning session, ensuring they never run out of charge.

4. Lighthouse Configuration

Lighthouse is an additional feature that uses infrared signals to guide one from room to room during the cleaning process. Lighthouses can both confine the Roomba to and block it from any single room.

Your lighthouse must have its “virtual wall mode” toggle activated to ensure it will cover your entire house and does not skip rooms.

5. Virtual Wall

The virtual wall is another accessory that offers granular control to the users in terms of setting the cleaning rules. For example, with a virtual wall, a user can stop the Roomba from:

  • Cleaning around delicate objects or furniture
  • Passing through specific flooring or sections
  • Bumping into unstable objects
  • Entering any restricted space or room

In many cases, you might have forgotten the settings on the virtual wall. This oversight might be causing your Roomba to avoid a specific section or room inside your house. Resetting the device or even turning the virtual wall off can help solve these problems in such cases.

6. Sufficiently Lit Rooms

When letting a Roomba clean your entire house, you must ensure that furniture isn’t blocking the light sources inside rooms, all corridors and entrances are well lit, and all rooms have their lights on.

Roombas use photoelectric cell sensors alongside infrared sensors to detect obstructions or objects easily. So, if any area does not have sufficient lighting, it might not be able to clean it properly or may even avoid the area altogether.

7. Remapping Home Layout

robotic vacuum cleaner on the floor

Say you have configured your Roomba to clean the entire house, but it keeps missing areas. Chances are that there might be a problem with the mapping. It might be faced with obstructions that lead it to skip these areas altogether.

The standard procedure here would be to make sure the vacuum can access all parts of your house that needs cleaning and set it to remap again.

8. Updating the iRobot Home App

In many cases, and especially with Wi-Fi-based Roomba vacuums, this may be an issue with the controlling app. If you have tried all the steps mentioned above and the cleaner still doesn’t work, it may be time to check the application.

If the app is malfunctioning, crashing, or simply needs an update, the machine might not be able to read the instructions coming from the app and may end up missing sections or rooms in your house. Simply updating the app from the Apple Store or the Google Play Store on your smartphone should resolve the issue.

READ MORE: Robot Vacuum Reviews


We hope you now have the answer to: how to get Roomba to clean whole house. In most cases, it may not clean all the rooms in your house if it faces too many obstructions in its path.

These obstructions can range from inadequate room lighting, dark carpets or flooring, low-lying furniture and other objects that can serve as a blockade or even random objects or wires scattered across the floor.

Any one of these instances may prevent a Roomba from cleaning the entire house. The device must be well-maintained in order to ensure optimal performance no matter how often you need to vacuum.

The post How to Get a Roomba to Clean Whole House appeared first on All Great Vacuums.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Central Vacuum vs Dyson: Which One is Better?

Let’s face it: household chores are tedious but essential. It helps to have a powerful vacuum cleaner to make the entire cleaning process faster. Centralized vacuum systems and Dyson vacuums are often regarded as two of the highest-quality vacuum cleaners on the market.

Both of them are attractive options, but which one is the best for you? If you are unsure about who’s the winner in the Central vacuum vs Dyson debate, read our guide to learn about their individual features and zero in on the best one for your needs.

What Is a Dyson Vacuum Cleaner?

Dyson is a renowned vacuum cleaner brand that has been around since 1993. They are best known for creating high-end, powerful vacuum cleaners built to stand the test of time.

One of the best things about Dyson vacuum cleaners is that they come in a variety of designs. Whether you want a cordless, portable vacuum cleaner or a big, corded system, Dyson has it all.

Dyson is also the company responsible for developing the famous dual cyclone bagless vacuum cleaner that uses a cyclonic separation mechanism to power it.

Best Features of Dyson Vacuum Cleaners

Woman Vacuuming Mat at Home

Here is why you should be using a Dyson vacuum cleaner:

1. Versatile

Dyson vacuum cleaners are highly versatile. If you’re out shopping for a new vacuum cleaner, you want one that goes with all flooring types. Whether you have hardwood flooring or regular floor tiles, Dyson, with its diverse add-ons, will work for you.

2. Powerful

Dyson produces some of the most powerful canister vacuums. The suction power is pretty commendable and works on debris of varying sizes.

3. Compact Design

The Dyson vacuum cleaner is small and compact, meaning it can fit in small places easily. This makes it the #1 choice for households that don’t have a lot of space to store their vacuum cleaners.

4. Easy to Clean

Not a fan of handling dirt and debris while emptying a vacuum? That’s not something you have to worry about with a Dyson vacuum cleaner. Dyson vacuum cleaners come with a quick-empty mechanism that automatically empties the canister at the push of a button.

5. Swivel Head

If you have trouble cleaning tight spaces, the swivel heads of Dyson vacuum cleaners will be your friend. They’re maneuverable, meaning they can easily fit into tight spaces and save you the effort of having to move furniture for each cleaning day.

6. Diverse Options

You don’t want to be held back by a limited catalog as far as vacuum cleaner shopping is concerned. Luckily for you, Dyson vacuum cleaners come in multiple models, sizes, and budgets so that you have a ton of options to choose from.

Drawbacks of Dyson Vacuum Cleaner

Here are some drawbacks of Dyson vacuums you need to watch out for:

  • Not as powerful as central vacuum systems
  • Carrying the device around can be troublesome
  • Canister is pretty small and needs to be emptied frequently
  • Since the vacuum is attached to the hose, it can be quite noisy

What Is a Central Vacuum?

Central vacuum cleaner hose in living room

A centralized vacuum system comes with a central motor unit connected to multiple vacuum hoses. Each retractable hose is then connected to a point in each of the rooms where it can be stored and pulled out for cleaning.

Unlike regular vacuum cleaners, you don’t have to carry a Central vacuum unit all around the house when cleaning — simply walk into the room you want to clean, pull out the hose from the unit on the wall, and get started!

Best Features of Central Vacuum Cleaners

Here are six reasons you should buy a Central vacuum cleaner:

1. Lightweight

The primary vacuum system is placed in a corner of your house, meaning all that you have to carry is the hose. This makes Central vacuum cleaners lightweight and easier to maneuver. They’re also perfect for those who don’t like dragging a vacuum all around the house.

2. Noiseless

Since the actual vacuum motor is housed in a different room, the sound from the device isn’t a concern at all — you can clean your house without damaging your ears.

3. Powerful

Central vacuum cleaners have a much more powerful suction than traditional vacuum cleaners, primarily because they have a massive vacuum unit.

4. Cleaner Air

A Central vacuum cleaner sucks up dust particles and germs and stores them in the main vacuuming unit, which is typically larger than a regular canister vacuum cleaner. Hence, they don’t need to be cleaned as you move from one room to another. This negates any chance of germs and dust escaping the canister.

5. Aesthetically Pleasing

While regular vacuum cleaners are indeed portable, they take up considerable space in your home without adding any aesthetic value to your interior. On the other hand, Central vacuum cleaners remain out of sight to keep your decor theme intact.

6. Profitable Investment

Although Central vacuum cleaners require an upfront investment, they last longer than regular vacuums, making them cost-effective in the long run. Also, having a Central vacuum cleaner increases the market value of your property.

Drawbacks of Central Vacuum Cleaner

Here are some drawbacks of Central vacuums you need to watch out for:

  • They require a much higher upfront investment
  • Installing the system in your home can be a long and messy job
  • You need enough space to accommodate the main vacuuming unit
  • They require more expensive servicing and maintenance compared to Dyson vacuum cleaners

Bottom Line: Which One Should You Pick?

Both Dyson and Central vacuums are excellent cleaning tools, making it challenging to pinpoint a clear winner in the Central vacuum vs Dyson debate. It all boils down to what your needs are and which brand fulfills those needs the best.

Central vacuum cleaners are better for larger houses and those that need a powerful vacuum system that doesn’t necessitate frequent dumping and is noiseless and durable. On the other hand, Dyson vacuum cleaners are best for starter homes and small families that do not have a lot of storage space but still want a versatile, powerful, and easy-to-use vacuum cleaner.

The post Central Vacuum vs Dyson: Which One is Better? appeared first on All Great Vacuums.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

How to Dispose of Old Vacuum Cleaner Appliances

When your vacuum cleaner hits the dust, or eventually wears down and quits operating, or you’ve decided it’s time to upgrade to a newer model, you might be wondering what to do with it.

While it may be tempting to toss it in the trash, this is bad for the environment since vacuum cleaners aren’t biodegradable and emit toxic fumes. It’s critical to understand how to dispose of old vacuum cleaner appliances.

In this article, we’ll tell you why you should dispose of your vacuum and the proper technique to do so, so read until the end.

How to Dispose of Old Vacuum Cleaner Appliances

Here are five options for disposing of your old vacuum cleaner:

Donate Your Vacuum Cleaner

If your vacuum cleaner is still in decent condition and you simply don’t want it any longer, consider donating it to someone else. You might have a family member, friend or coworker who needs a vacuum cleaner but doesn’t want to spend the money on a new one.

Another alternative is to donate the appliance to a homeless shelter or donation center. Since many charities are flooded with clothes donations, a contribution of a working electronic device would go a long way.

Many larger groups, such as the Salvation Army and Goodwill, will come to your home to collect donations. If a pick-up service isn’t available, you can leave it at a donation facility.

Sell Your Vacuum Cleaner

You have three options when it comes to selling your old vacuum cleaner.


The internet offers several easy ways to resell unwanted items, one of which is to publish high-resolution images of your vacuum cleaner on sites like Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, or another local website or forum.

If you’re not sure how much to ask for your vacuum, look at similar postings to get an idea. Find out how much other people are asking for their vacuum cleaner. Avoid pricing the vacuum too high, as this could lead to a lack of interest. Also, avoid pricing it too low, as this could decrease the profit potential.

Thrift Store

You can also sell your appliance to a thrift store or an appliance repair and sales company. The former will require a working vacuum cleaner, whereas the latter may not.

Someone at the business will assess your appliance’s condition to decide whether it can be repaired and resold. If it cannot be repaired, the shop you’re selling it to may use its parts separately.

In any case, you’ll earn money for your old vacuum cleaner, plus someone else will be able to use it before it wears out completely, thus extracting its full potential.

Electrical Store

Electronic stores and vacuum repair shops are your next best option if you don’t want to sell your old vacuum cleaner online. Such stores are constantly in need of spare parts to fix the devices they sell. Some stores may purchase working second-hand vacuum cleaners to resell to others at a lower cost. They may also buy the old parts from you and recycle the rest.

PRO TIP: Have someone walk you through the selling process in-person to help alleviate any concerns about the process.

Swap It

If you don’t want to sell your old vacuum cleaner, you can go to a swap meet in your neighborhood. They’re frequently held to raise awareness about social or environmental issues and are organized mainly by libraries, schools, and community centers.

Can’t find a swapping event near you? It may be a great time to get together with your family, friends, and other acquaintances to plan one. By swapping, you’ll dispose of your old vacuum and get something you want in return.

Recycle Your Vacuum Cleaner

Who’s to say you cannot reuse your vacuum cleaner creatively, much like many other worn and broken items around the house! All it takes is a little imagination and effort to turn your old vacuum cleaner into something else entirely.

How to Dispose of Old Vacuum Cleaner Appliances

To get some fantastic ideas, run a quick Google search for things like plant pots, Halloween costumes, and industrial-style lamps, among other things. You’re only limited by your imagination when it comes to things you can make with an old vacuum cleaner unit.

Trade Your Vacuum Cleaner

If you’re planning on buying a new vacuum cleaner, you might want to keep your old one and use it as a trade-in. Some large electronic or appliance stores will let you trade your old but functional vacuum cleaner for a new canister vacuum cleaner, allowing you to get rid of the appliance while also lowering the cost of your new vacuum cleaner.

Why Dispose of Old Vacuum Cleaners?

It’s vital to recycle your old vacuum cleaner since it’s e-waste, which is currently the fastest-growing type of waste in our world. Every year, we produce around 50 million tons of e-waste, only 20% of which is recycled worldwide. So disposing of your old vacuum is essential to control this otherwise growing number.

Pollution is another factor. When you burn a vacuum cleaner, the metal components, such as copper, iron, and aluminum, release hazardous substances that will harm the environment. Over time, they’ll build up in our water, soil and biosphere. These cancer-causing chemicals will also pile up in the air we breathe.

Recycling keeps non-biodegradable vacuum cleaners from being burned or thrown away in landfills. It also aids in the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere and saves a significant amount of energy.

These figures may appear to be overwhelming at first. How can recycling a tiny vacuum cleaner benefit the economy or environment? Well, every little bit counts!

Summing Up

Wondering how to dispose of old vacuum cleaner appliances? You now have the answer. Vacuum cleaners are useful household tools that make life easier. However, when it comes to disposing of them, make sure not to contribute to the massive volumes of electronic waste and pollution already surrounding us.

You can dispose of your old vacuum cleaner by taking it to a recycling facility or donating, selling, or trading it with a friend or family member.

The post How to Dispose of Old Vacuum Cleaner Appliances appeared first on All Great Vacuums.